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Re: ticket systems

Hornet wrote:
On 10/19/05, W.D.McKinney <dee@akwireless.net> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Henrique de Moraes Holschuh [mailto:hmh@debian.org]
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 06:13 PM
To: debian-isp@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: ticket systems

On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Dan MacNeil wrote:
I'm curious as to how people use ticket systems and their bad
experiences with ticket systems. "How" and "why" are more useful right
Well, we use OTRS (because it is far more flexible and powerfull than RT)
for workflow/internal issue tracking, and RT (because it is easy and simple)
for simple helpdesk tracking.

Training people to use OTRS was _not_ easy.  Trying to get RT to work as a
poor-man's workflow AND internal issue tracking proved to be impossible.
At least for our requirements, anyway.

So, what do you exactly need to do? If RT does it all, go for it. Otherwise,
go for OTRS.

So what are the URL's for RT and OTRS anyway ? Be nice to look at these packages.


I'm also not sure of where the line between a ticket system, project
system and a bug tracking system lies or should lie.
Ticket system and bug tracking systems are close, and as long as you like
fighting the system to get work done, they are interchangeable.

But a proper TTS (ticket tracking system) will do a MUCH better job of issue
tracking on massive scales, helpdesk/CRM integration, etc.  While a BTS (bug
tracking system) will know WTF a patch is, will have version tracking for
"bugs", and might even be connected to your version control system.

I don't know what a "project system" is.  But if you mean a project tracking
system, then go take a look at MS project (to my dismay, no DFSG software
comes even close), it is a completely different type of beast from a ticket
tracking system or from a BTS.  If you mean something that hosts a project
and all there is to it (BTS, TTS, mailing-lists, data repositories...), I
don't know of any that doesn't suck rocks (i.e. g-forge, sourceforge...).

I've worked places where people game the system. A good evaluation comes
Not a good idea at all, for the exact reasons you described.

 "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
 them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
 where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
 Henrique Holschuh

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I have installed OTRS many times before, Its truly a testament to OSS.
Get on the mailing list and watch it for a few days, your mouth will
drop on all the ways people have modified to taste. If you can think
it, its probably been done. I also know of several large companies
that use OTRS also.

I do have to agree with Henrique, the learning curve is harsh, I would
suggest setting up a distribution list that so anything sent to
helpdesk@domain.com will go to OTRS while your learning the system,
and set your mailer to send anything to some common mailbox or



Kayako is amazingly simple to install, has tons of features and is extremely cost-effective.  We used RT for a while and our impression is that Kayako is far simpler to use and will save mucho money if you are one of those people who *remember* that time=money.  RT is free, but the time it took to get it working as we needed made the TCO way higher than the miniscule investment in Kayako.

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