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Re: slow courierpop3d

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 06:54:52PM +0200, Marek Podmaka wrote:
> CS> is it fast if you load that Maildir into mutt (or some other MUA that
> CS> reads the mailbox directly rather than via pop or imap)?
> mutt is also fast. 

well, that tends to indicate that it's your pop daemon.

> But I have noticed that for every mail, it displayed size 0. But it
> can open every mail. Is that OK? I don't use mutt with Maildir, so I
> don't know.

no idea.  i don't use mutt with maildir either.

> CS> are both pop & imap slow?  or is it just pop? or just imap?
> CS> have you tried a different pop/imap daemon?  e.g. dovecot.
>   I have to try it... but it seems that customer is using only pop.

is it just the one customer?    is it possible that it's something at the
customer's end (e.g. their mail client)?

is it fast or slow if you configure mutt to read the Maildir with pop?

> Is dovecot just IMAP server? I need both pop3/imap to be working...

dovecot does both pop and imap.

i have no idea whether dovecot will fix the problem or not. i've never
known the courier pop/imap daemons to be slower than others. changing
your pop/imap daemons is a fairly disruptive process, and can be
annoying to users (each one has its own method of keeping track of which
messages have already been read, so changing the pop daemon usually
causes all users to see all their old mail as new)......so, i'd keep
investigating and experimenting until i ran out of ideas before changing
the daemons.


craig sanders <cas@taz.net.au>           (part time cyborg)

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