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Timeout after DATA


I'm getting a lot of "timeout after DATA" in incoming mail. I suspect there 
may be a network problem somewhere in my internet connection.  Which timeout 
parameter can I use to raise the time for the other end to  send me the 
I'm running postfix.  Do you have something that can I help us?

We have a Cisco Pix 520 in the path. What can I do to resolv this problem?

My best regards,

Cristina G. Juliani
Seção de Informática 
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisica e Ciências Atmosféricas - IAG/USP
Rua do Matão, 1226 Cidade Universitária / Butantã 
Fone : 3091-2821
Fax  : 3091-2801
USP - http://www.usp.br
IAG - http://www.iag.usp.br
SI  - http://www.iag.usp.br/apr/ad_sin/ad_sin.php

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