Re: Shell accounts for multiple domains on one box
I wrote domain technologie control.This provide at least the mail
requipement you need. You can create as many email addresse you like, it
wont add any system account, and there are no conflict with
DTC is a GPL web control panel for admin and accounting hosting services
that you can see there:
The panel script things that are hardly possible to do by hand. I'm
about to release a nice milestone with multi-unix support (Debian woody
& sarge, FreeBSD, Fedora & Mac OS X), with many cleanups and
improvements. (announce comming here soon).
Stephen R Laniel a écrit :
You'd be surprised. As I mentioned, the consultancy I'm
working for nowadays uses 'user-domain-com', and users have
a hell of a time understanding what that's about.
Right, but you can always use wich is more
understandable by newbies.
The end result -- whether I do this through the shell or
through virtual domains in Postfix or whatever -- is that I
want a naive user in Outlook to be able to set his or her
IMAP server to '' and his username to 'user', even
if the IMAP server is actually sitting on a machine called
My panel does "" by default for each hosted domains. I
didn't add "" but it realy would take 5 minutes to do so.
The reason I wanted shell access is that users may want to
edit their websites, and I figured they'd be using the
shell. But probably most users will only want to edit their
website files on their own desktops, then upload them or use
some web-based site editor (a la Movable Type) to do the
changes. And for that, I'm sure I could use some
roles-and-permissions system that sits above the shell.
True sometimes it can be easy to use a unix shell editor. But there are
many other ways of doing it, like using a php application that will
allow you to edit files on the server using a web page. Did you think
about it ?
By the way, I've though many times about providing a secured shell
environement for my users. One of the options is the exelent NSS MySQL
which will provide you a backend to add users. Then the best way would
probably to do a chroot. My panel provide a chroot with the copy of all
main needed files in each vhosts folder. The idea would be to add a
"shell login" tab in the panel and let the users log in that chroot
environement using nobody:nogroup (who cares about UID/GID if it's
chrooted ?). The only thing is a lot of concern is memory, disk and cpu
usage. For PHP, you just leave it as default config, and you will have
limitations (8Megs max, 30s of cpu time...). For CGI-BIN and perl, I use
a modified version of SBOX
( that does the
softlimit() necessary calls. But how could you add some limitations to
shell scripting ? I don't think it's realy possible, anybody has idea ?
Another way is to provide UML, but that's a complete different topic.
It sounds -- from all your very helpful comments -- like
even bothering with shell accounts for this sort of thing is
not worth it. And come to think of it, users might not even
care all that much about shell access.
That's not true. Some of my users needs it, like the ones that want to
use IRC bouncers, the ones that wants to start shell scripts to install
programms, the one that wants to run compiled stuff, etc... That realy
would be a cool feature in a hosting panel, but currently I'm still
digging for a smart solution to handle it.
Thomas, GPLHost LLC manager
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