RE: Plone scaling and setup problems.
I don't have a good idea what the load will be. The current
sites receive about 700,000 to 800,000 requests per day. A large number
of teachers have trouble using common web authoring tools so we hope
that the number of users and amount of content increases. The Plone
interface with epoz makes it really easy for them.
I gather you are using ZEO images and object stubs then
PostgreSQL for applications. Is there much difference between using ZEO
and having the server access the Data.fs file directly?
The install problem that I was having was related to paths.
Some packages look for zope2.7 and others look at zope. When I first
install zope2.7 then symlink /usr/lib/zope and /etc/init.d/zope then
install plone life is good. The last time I installed plone from debian
packages, this was not necessary. I think the path changed from zope
2.6 to zope 2.7.
-----Original Message-----
From: martin f krafft []
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: Plone scaling and setup problems.
also sprach Ross, Chris <> [2005.03.18.2038 +0100]:
> I was wondering is someone had experience running plone using
> the Debian packages from Sarge.
I am sure someone does. :)
> We will be hosting about 500 sites for teachers and classes.
What kind of traffic are we talking about?
> We have no experience with the product and little idea hot this
> thing scales.
Very well. :)
I use a dedicated PostgreSQL server database for relational data,
and I run ZEO and Zope together on one machine, exporting the Zope
instance over NFS. Whenever there is a real increase in traffic,
I can add additional Zope servers on the fly, but that's never been
the case.
Last year we handled a rather busy site with 1200 users
( and rather big downloads (100Mb/file), and we
experienced no Zope-related problems.
> What kind of hardware should we be looking for here? Should this
> be run with a separate database back end?
I think you will be fine with a standard AMD, maybe even AMD64
(works nicely), some sensible network card (e.g. not Broadcom or
other El Cheapos), and a RAID 1 or 5 for your data partition.
Hardware RAID is a little faster than software RAID, but I have made
very good experiences with the latter.
> repository. After the zope instance is running, I logon to ZIM to
> add the zope site. The only problem is that there is no selection
> for plone under the add pull down. I don't recall having this
> problem before.
Can you check the control panel's products listing for what it says
about Plone?
Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
.''`. martin f. krafft <>
: :' : proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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