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Re: On SMP, getting: Message from watchdog: The system will be rebooted because of error -3!

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 17:46, Jason Lim wrote:
> I had set the loadavg to such an absurd number, I never thought it could
> be that. It NEVER peaks that high on a single CPU (well... without HT SMP
> on). Is this normal? Do SMP systems tend to spike a lot higher than
> regular single CPU ones?
> Strange thing is... the previous 2Ghz CPU... never went that high... and
> now with a 2.8Ghz HyperThreading processing, the load average actually
> increases (or at least the spiking load average). Is this a trait of SMP?

Adding more CPUs will not affect the load average if it's IO related.  If it's 
CPU usage related then more CPU power should decrease the load average.

Of course kernel bugs could be triggered by a different hardware 
configuration, but that's not a likely possibility at this time.

I suggest checking for any cron jobs etc that might have caused high load.

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