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Re: Debian Co-location in USA

I have done a fair bit of work on this so can offer some advice:

Do NOT use unitedcolo.com - despite offering debian on their home page I
found them to be extremely unsatisfactory. Yes in 20/20 hindsite the
bandwidth and pricing on their page looks to good to be true, but most
non-Australian bandwidth pricing looks like that from here.. 

>From this I also advise staging the migration over a month (moving some
DNS and other services in a reasonably reversable fashion) whilst at the
same time spanking the server into the ground with "postal", kernel
compiles, bonnie eyc to make sure it can hack it, and monitoring the
network reliability - I'm glad we did this so we didn't get egg on our
faces with our clients before we did the major service migrations

After a fair bit more shopping around we settled on prioritycolo.com
(located in Toronto, Canada). They do not offer debian by default, but
were quite happy to download a woody ISO and install with me sitting on
IRC to guide them through what I wanted. 

I started a thread on this list discussing this issue around that time
(begginning of the year?) and got some valuable suggestions, although
some with a higher level of service than we needed at a higher price
than we could afford.

I have read there is a company in the UK offering virtual UserModeLinux
servers but dont know much about them, but it could be a good option
where root access is needed more than a dedicated CPU. 

We were very happy with our Australian hosting service. Unfortunately
they had to pass on the ridiculous Australian data volume rates of their
ISP on to us so we had to move elsewhere..


On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 13:27, Jeremy Lunn wrote:
> One of my clients is looking into hosting a server in the USA, since it
> costs much less than doing it here in Australia.
> The problem is that most hosting companies only tend to supply Red Hat.
> We'll need a machine with a very basic base install of Debian, obviously
> along with networking and ssh.  Obviously we will also need operator
> staff available to reset the machine, should it be needed and do other
> minor tasks if something goes wrong.
> Has anyone had any experience with any hosting companies that provide
> such service?
> The level of support probably doesn't matter, as long as the basics are
> provided.  They are currently looking at Candid Hosting
> (http://www.candidhosting.com/CGI/Dedicated.asp), however they
> only provide Red Hat and FreeBSD.  So any plan would have to be equal to
> or better than the Candid $130/month deal.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> -- 
> Jeremy Lunn
> Melbourne, Australia
> http://psi.sf.net/ - Jabber client for Linux/win32/MacOS.

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