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Re: Antivirus license

On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 09:43:36AM +0200, Tomàs Núñez Lirola wrote:
> [omissis]
> Kaspersky and F-Prot (two examples) have a product for a mail server.
> If I use
> their product for a personal use (wich license price is a 5% of the
> mail
> server license) with amavis, am I doing something illegal? Does the
> license
> permit its use with amavis?
> I need to know it for sure... so can anyone help me?

I think using those products behind AMaViS imply a non-personal use,
since, usually, a mailserver serves many users.

> However, the open alternatives (clamav, openantivirus, etc) are stable
> enough?
> They get updated fast enough?

We've running a Postfix (with its built-in UCE Controls) + AMaViSd-new
and ClamAV system and it works pretty well. All of the packages are 
avaiable in Debian (amavisd-new and clamav are backports to woody. 
Just take a look on apt-get.org) and work nice. The updates are usually
fast and the db seems to be quite up to date. I got a server unreachale 
error the last two days, perhaps due to the BugBear fever, but it does 
not happen so often.

I think you should give ClamAV a chance and almost try it, and
eventually migrate to (or simply add) other commercial products if
you'll get unsatisfied.

Samuele Catusian                                
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