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Re: DNS servers

Before I will start defending Craig, I would like to point out that the
discussion is NOT just about taste. The boat left, and you weren't on
it. It's about how the software is build up, what is put in to the package,
and why the hell people have to think that they are better then the rest by
non-quoting, non-reading, and displaying these featurs in a obnoxious way
by thinking they have a point.

We got 2 packs here, djbdns and bind. The first obnoxious part I'm reffering
to is the attitude of the maintainer, and the "crew" building the djbdns
The second part I find extremly irritating is the amount of people
getting exited by words on their screen, telling them it's way better,
fantastic to work with etc..etc..

And as you have seen I havn't even referred to any technical spec what so
ever wich was/is in debate right now. 

IMO this discussie went astray when the "quoting" started. If you start
ripping pieces of text apart, and start quoting what you please, you're 
you have missed the context and the point. With this said, I stand with Craig 
for the full 100%, and would love to see some improvements. I might not be 
the best Sysadmin to go in to a discussion on the specs, but I sure as hell 
know when people are screwing with each other. 

The reason I singned up for this was to enjoy the occasional flamewar, get a
bit of info, and try to add a bit where I could. Strange huh.. a friggn'
rookie opening his mouth, asking politly to not piss each other of by
manipulating words.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 02:14:17PM +0000, Fred Clausen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I think this thread is becoming less a thread about which nameserver to
> use and more people defending the time, money and effort they have
> spent learning/writing the particular software package they use.
> Of course nobody is going to instantly change their software package and
> have to re-learn how it is implemented in the new one. People should
> certainly be aware about what is available and feel free to try other
> pieces of software but nobody is obligated to use one or the other. People
> must accept that different people have different needs (tastes even) and
> so may use something else. A comprehensive analysis of what is required in
> *your* organisation is needed, then pick software based on that. And if
> someone else likes something else, then fine, good for him/her. They may
> have different requirements.
> To conclude, nobody is forcing anyone to use one software package or the
> other. Cool headed analysis is required, not name calling.
> Cheers, Fred.
> --
> Fred Clausen - Systems Administrator
> Unique Interactive, part of UBC Media Group plc
> Winners of the 2002 CRCA NTL New Media Award
> http://www.ubcmedia.com
> http://www.uniqueinteractive.co.uk
> T: +44 (0)20 7453 1677 F: +44 (0)20 7486 5081
> -- 
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-- Mark Lijftogt
-- http://sans.rondom.org
-- http://www.lijftogt.nl

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