Hello all.
I'm new to Debian ..
Switched over from Slackware after years of doing things the manual way
figured I would try this for a while :)
I installed qpopper on my system using dselect..
Install went flawless but when you try to pop mail from the server the
connection would just sit there..
I since switched to using solid-pop and I don't like that at all.. Getting
tons of complaints about dup mails...
If anyone has any ideas as to why qpopper wouldn't auth I'm all ears
because I really would like to get back to using it.
Just another note.. I compiled a version with my own configure settings
like I would on Slackware.. that did the same thing..
I even tried taking the tcpd out of inetd.conf to make sure it wasn't an
allow problem..
Only thing I haven't looked at is the pam stuff.. I not at all familiar
with pam because Slackware never had it.. I will be reading up on that
incase it might be messing with things..
Thanks for any pointers...
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