spamassassin or spamc/spamd for sitewide input filtering
Apologies for the cross-post: I think it'll hit the experts I need.
I'm running postfix 1.1.11 under Debian 3.0 for a box that has a few
local users and some Email lists. I've got rav filtering for
"malware" using its own daemon and I've pulled the spamassassin deb
as I'd like to add to or supercede my collection of header & body
checks and a few other tweaks (the "freemail" sender one) with
spamassin and razor ... but I'm baffled by the various bits of
documentation and correspondence on this and the spamassassin list
I've filtered up. Nothing gives me what I thought I could have which
was a simple addition of a few lines to and to get
spamassin or spamc/d called as filters like the rav daemon.
I'm an amateur at this really and hundreds of experts must have done
this? Anyone send me the instructions I need?
PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research,
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Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle Email:
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