Re: Building custom kernel based off stock debian kernel
On Sun, Feb 10, 2002 at 11:19:17AM -0500, Theodore Knab wrote:
> If you fully understand how to compile the kernel and know all the devices
> your system needs, it might be easier to get the source from
> This way you only need to deal with one package.
> linux-2.4.17.tar.gz
> I don't understand what the advantage of using the kernel-source from
> the Debian Source is. For me, it simply adds in an extra unneeded layer
> of complication.
> -Ted
Well. I was under the assumption that the debian kernel source has
several patches applied. Like other distributions kernels. So
using debian's /boot/config* file, I figured it'd be wise to also
be using the same source tarball that was used for the debian kernel.
Nick Jennings
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