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Re: mta confusion

David Bishop wrote:

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I have a relatively new box hosting several websites with their own domain names. It also runs dns and email for the same domains. So far, my "solution" to the Email Problem (tm) has been to simply not allow each of them to have "generic" accounts like sales and support. This is becoming less and less of an option :-) So, here is the list of the "killer features" of my current setup, and what I need to add. Hopefully someone with more experience than I can point me in the right direction. Oh, and for reasons too painful to get into, the owner of the box upgraded to sid without asking (short conversation: him:look, you can apt-get install webmin if you change this line in the sources.list! me: yes, but it's called unstable for a reason. don't do it to this server. him: um, already done, hope that's not a problem! me: slap him) so running the latest and greatest of various packages is no problem.

Not that this will help you a lot but webmin can be installed in stable very easyly, only not through apt-get. I use qmail+vpopmail and ive never ever ever had any problems regarding aliases. I also use a free web based administrator for vpopmail (cant remember the name) that allows you to alias, forward, crate lists, administer everything (but quotas and such stuff) related to any domains. I find this to be a nice solution. You needed virtual mail servers since the beginning (hence, vpopmail), might
as well switch now.


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