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Re: IP sent by DNSv6 Server

>>>>> "Kenyon" == Kenyon Ralph <kenyon@kenyonralph.com> writes:
    >> Ok, I got it. My last doubt.  Imagine that I use the same
    >> server/machine as dns server as well, based on your words, in
    >> this case I should provide the link local, because the dns server
    >> is located at my lan and it is the same machine as the default
    >> gateway. Am I right?

    Kenyon> I did answer this question twice already about which address
    Kenyon> of the DNS server to use. As you can see, Philipp Kern
    Kenyon> confirmed that link-local does work in resolv.conf, at least
    Kenyon> with Debian, so you can use either global or link-local. You

Do you need to put:
or  fe80::224:21ff:fea7:5e27%eth0

in the resolv.conf?  I would expect that link local will fail without
the interface ID, in which case, the dhclient and/or resolvconf chain
needs to get the %eth0 in there somehow.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
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