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Re: Firewalling IPv6 - an easy way?

Hi Chris,

On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 21:33 +0100, Chris Boot wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but the bad news is that currently you'll have to write the
> > ip6table rules by hand.  The good news is that you might be able to use
> > the IPv4 rules as a base and just do some heavy editting.
> >   
> Thanks. Never mind, I guess it is the manual method then. Is there a 
> Debian-recommended way of applying manual ip6tables rules? I was 
> thinking of running an ip6tables-restore in post-up in 
> /etc/network/interfaces, would that be a sensible option?

I'm not sure of a Debian recommended way, but a post-up line or a file
in /etc/network/if-up.d which only runs for the interface you want would
work okay.

> Does anyone have any best-practice sample IPv6 firewall rules for a 
> server (i.e. not router/workstation)?

If you google around you'll find some best-practice firewalls.  But
basically, block pretty much everything except for ICMP.  ICMP in IPv6
is pretty important and things *will* break if you just block all ICMP


Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew@etc.gen.nz       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.

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