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Re: Mass ipv6 lookups

Previously Ramon Kagan wrote:
> I have 40+ servers.  I have thousands of users (university of 45000
> students, and 10000 staff).  Our mail servers complete over 18 million DNS
> lookups a day.  That is now almost doubled with the AAAA lookups.  So no,
> I don't think my DNS servers can handle such a drastic load change.

Ok, I see the problem now. Where is the problem exactly at the moment:
just the mail servers, or are there also other machines/servicess which
are starting to do AAAA lookups?

If it is just the mailservers you could try to configure them to not try
AAAA lookups, or if that is not possible modify the code.

At some point when ipv6 becomes more common and/or more software starts
being ipv6 aware you are going to run into this problem again even if
you do fix your mailservers now, so planning to upgrade your DNS servers 
might be wise.


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
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