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Re: Mass ipv6 lookups

Previously Ramon Kagan wrote:
> 1.  This is causing my DNS servers to get hammered, almost forcing a DoS.

If a DNS sesrver gets hammered by that you have a serious problem with
that server, it should easily be able to handle that load.

> 2.  How the heck do I stop this from happening?  It seems all recent
> packages have IPv6 support, so does that mean I'm SOL?

A number of package will probably try an AAAA lookup, but unless you
do weird things that should not a problem.

> I can't just list all the machines that connect to the server in
> /etc/hosts with the ::FFFF:<IP> because there are thousands of machines.

Thousands? It was 40+ at the beginning of the mail.. 


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
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