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tried ia64-net-20020506.iso, (rx4610) failed with map_single IO TLB kernel panic...

specifically we have a Lion HP rx4610 (by the way, the
link to the BIOS page on www.debian.org/ports/ia64/ no
longer exists. please update).

The system already has a efi vfat partition (it came
with redhat) and so when
the system powers up it goes into the efi shell

shell> fs1:

gives prompt 


upon which one is able to see the files on the cdrom

typing elilo by itself boots the kernel and loads root.bin
(presumably it is reading elilo.conf file in the same 

we run to the install but when we try to install packages either from
the cdrom or the network we encounter the error:

kernel panic: map_single: could not allocate software IO TLB (2048 bytes)

<up/<down> between elements | <Enter> selects...

at this point the system was frozen.

Checking the list archives I found


which apparently says something like 

I added swiotlb=32768... where do I add this and what does 
the number 32768 refer to 

do I type

elilo swiotlb=32768



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