Hello fellow Debian i18n people, This is in case some of you do not read or follow debian-news. I originally passed the news in the DD private mailing list and relayed to her husband many testimonies from Debian community members about Clytie's work. I suppose that many of you folks have witnessed Clytie's longstanding commitment to i18n and l10n as well. For me, it was more than 10 years that I was working with her and I feel like I lost a close friend even though we never met. ----- Forwarded message from Neil McGovern <neilm@debian.org> ----- Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 16:46:37 +0000 From: Neil McGovern <neilm@debian.org> To: debian-news@lists.debian.org Subject: Debian Project mourns the loss of Clytie Siddall X-Mailing-List: <debian-news@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/617 X-CRM114-Status: Good ( pR: 999.99 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Debian Project https://www.debian.org/ Debian Project mourns the loss of Clytie Siddall press@debian.org February 4th, 2015 https://www.debian.org/News/2015/20150204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Debian Project sadly announces that it has lost a member of its community. Clytie Siddall passed recently after a long battle with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Clytie was a contributor of Vietnamese translations to Debian and other projects for many years. Within Debian she worked on translations for the installer, dpkg, apt and various documentation. She also contributed translations within the GNOME community and many other projects. Clytie was a GNOME foundation contributor. The Debian Project honours her good work and strong dedication to Debian and Free Software. Clytie's contributions will not be forgotten, and the high standards of her work will continue to serve as an inspiration to others. About Debian ------------ The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely free operating system Debian GNU/Linux. Contact Information ------------------- For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at https://www.debian.org/ or send mail to <press@debian.org>. ----- End forwarded message ----- --
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