Re: Call for translations: Squeeze release announcement
On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 01:00:27PM +0100, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> Hi!
> Am 08.02.2011 12:54, schrieb Dove Young:
> > Wow, its cool! The one in following URL is Simplified Chinese. Thanks
> > for Alexander.
> >
> > Does it works for any Chinese encoding? I mean if someone check in a
> > Simplified Chinese file for the next/later release in the future,
> > would it be generated automatically to Traditional Chinese either? If
> > its true, it sounds great.
> >
> >
> I'm sorry, but I have no idea how that actually works. All I know is,
> that Debian's website cvs has a folder "chinese" and if I placing the
> files I got submitted and calling "make" results in the creation of
> several files, which I can't read ;) I'm really sorry.
Well Makefile tells us how they do:
B5TOGB = /usr/bin/iconv -f big5 -t gb2312
This is simple code point translation. Good enough as starter but
usually not good enough.
I thought we need human to proof them to be perfect.
When I translated zh-cn to zh-tw for maint-guide, I used "opencc
(unstable then, wheezy version)" as the base translaton tool and my
custom sed script with the help of (native chinese
speaker). (I do not speak chinese but can guess meaning of chinese
text.) This uses some huristics to close gap in their character/font
usages. (This is done in UTF-8)
If Chinese web team think about local word choice preference differences
such as:
(substitute auto translated word from zh-cn to zh-tw --> better word in zh-tw):
Please do not forget to use this cn2tw.sed conversion as good starting
point until opencc becomes smart enough to do these too. It is in the
maint-guide source package.
> I added our debian-www mailing list to the CC, maybe they can explain
> how that helps, and how you can help, if you interested.
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