On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 07:03 +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote: > i18n.debian.net is an attempt for this..:-) > > For instance, there is something running for months, even years, that > imports debconf translations into Pootle. This has an SVN repo as > backend and works fairly well. I could announce it and have you folks > work in this instead of grabbing POT files or outdated PO files and > send tons of bug reports, etc. > > However, I have no idea how to allow > package maintainers to get this material back in their > packages. Therecould be some helpers or hooks for this...but that > needs discussion, development, testing, etc. Things I've not been able > to deal with as of now (hint: development is out of my skills). I think that submission to the BTS works fine for developers, but the administration process for translators is too cumbersome. It involves sending about 8 status updates per translation and the process could take weeks if the team is not very active. > We even made attempts to handle package descriptions with PO files and > put Pootle over all this. Here, one of the problems is the > considerable size of data which always bringed Pootle to its > knees. This could be solvedwith most recent versions of Pootle....if > only we could find some time to put them on i18n.d.n For what I have seen of it Pootle seems a nice concept. However, to avoid data capacity problems it should probably grab the translation files interactively and somehow get notifications from some sort of metadata system. Maybe this could be implemented on Alioth. Also, review tasks could be made easier by the system by e.g. diffing the updated translation with the previous version and only displaying the new translations automatically. > As you see, ideas are not missing, however: > - development of Debian is very distributed and it is not that easy to > interact with material that's spread all over various VCS, individual > maintainer systems, derivatives systems (Rosetta...), etc. > - the amount of data to deal with is huge (think about package > descriptions and their translations) > - the number of ppl working on this has always been limited and > several of these people are turning their attention elsewhere or are > stuck with RL I know that resources are very scarce for the Debian Project and there are not a lot volunteers available. However, if this can be organised well, we should be able to make great improvements with just a few volunteers. (Always stay positive, right?) Greetings, Eric Spreen
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