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mentors for one single google code-in task


In the google code-in [1], I have added 3 translations tasks
of this wikipage http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging
into Spanish, French and Italian, that are the lenguages I can
review or I have somebody around who can help me reviewing.
I would like to add more languages, but for that I need people
willing to mentor in those languages. So far, the Debian tasks
have privileged students with a good English knowledge and I would
like to add some tasks to balance this out a bit.

How this would work?

1. You tell me you want to help in-list or privately with 
language XX, then I add the translation task for language XX 
in the melange system, for example:

2. A student claim the task before the 7th of January and does the

3. I mail you and I ask you to review the translation. The translation
must be reviewed before the 8th January. You also can monitor
the wikipage http://wiki.debian.org/<language_code>/IntroDebianPackaging
(Given how little time there is available for review, it is not a bad
idea having 2-3 volunteers per language so we make sure somebody
has time)

If not student has claimed the task by the 7th January at 21:00 UTC,
the task will be removed from the system and you will have nothing to do.

I know translation groups have some rules about terms and stuff,
but please, do not expect here a perfect translation (unless
the student is brilliant). You can aim more for a first good enought
translation that can improved later in the wiki by anyone.

PS: please cc-me, I am not subscribed to this list.

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2010/11/msg00007.html

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