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Re: mentors for one single google code-in task

On Du, 02 ian 11, 15:18:24, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> Hi!
> In the google code-in [1], I have added 3 translations tasks
> of this wikipage http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging
> into Spanish, French and Italian, that are the lenguages I can
> review or I have somebody around who can help me reviewing.
> I would like to add more languages, but for that I need people
> willing to mentor in those languages. So far, the Debian tasks
> have privileged students with a good English knowledge and I would
> like to add some tasks to balance this out a bit.
> How this would work?
> 1. You tell me you want to help in-list or privately with 
> language XX, then I add the translation task for language XX 
> in the melange system, for example:
> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/debian/t129396621606

I'm in for Romanian (ro)

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