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Re: Ntop Debconf translation status/plan?

Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (helge@helgefjell.de):
> Hello,
> on the coordination page[1] recently ntop appeared. Should we start
> translating or should we wait for a review of the templates?

Oh, what a nice Christmas gift from the ntop maintainer....an
uncoordinated upload with debconf templates changes. (s)he is right as
several teams were very close to hit the 100% mark in unstable, we
could have gotten bored during the Christmas holidays (hint: this is sarcasm).

Thankfully, that version will never enter testing, I would veto any
attempt to do so.

Anf, of course, we'll review the templates. Expect the usual review
process to start soon, so don't work on ntop translations.

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