[Please keep all CCs and myself in the loop, we're not subscribed.] Dear debian-i18n team, I'm the co-maintainer of KVIrc [0] in Debian and would like to request a translation effort for the PO files, as the translations for a lot of languages (I'd say except German, Italian and Spanish), see [1] for details. Now I'd like to know how to best coordinate such an effort and make it as smooth as possible for everybody? One last note: the upstream translators for German, Spanish and Italian (they're are CCed) would like to collaborate with the specific language teams. In their cases it would be more of an proof-reading anyway, as the translations are pretty complete. For the other translations there are no active translators I know of. Thank you in advance for your answers on how to proceed best! Should you need further information, feel free to ask me to provide it. Kind regards, Kai Wasserbäch [0] http://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kvirc.html [1] http://i18n.debian.net/l10n-pkg-status/k/kvirc.html -- Kai Wasserbäch (Kai Wasserbaech) E-Mail: debian@carbon-project.org Jabber (debianforum.de): Drizzt URL: http://wiki.debian.org/C%C3%B9ran GnuPG: 0xE1DE59D2 0600 96CE F3C8 E733 E5B6 1587 A309 D76C E1DE 59D2 (http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de/pks/lookup?search=0xE1DE59D2&fingerprint=on&hash=on&op=vindex)
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