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Yet another list statistics for debian-i18n


as you can read in my lightning talk at DebConf


I did some investigation on who is frequently posting
on our mailing lists.  I now created graphs until
end of last year and write a short summary for
those lists I regard worth a comment.  I'm not
CCed to all of this list so if you want to discuss
something please keep me in CC.  If you want to
discuss the results in general just write to debian-project.

All graphs and the code that was used to create the
graphs are available at


If you are interested in a mailing list which was not
analysed, just tell me.  I was running the scripts on
those lists I personally had some interest and those
with more than 1000 subscribers.

I plan to clean up code and write some doc about it
but this will not happen in the next couple of weeks.

The graph for this specific list is

------- <start of mailing list specific part> ------

I was not able to widstand and so I tried to compare the 'Christian Perrier'
posting daemon from i18n in 2008 with the 'Ian Jackson' posting daemon from
devel in 1996 (what else than daemons might produce so many mails?

# SELECT author, yearmonth, count(*) from listarchive where (author like 'Ian Jackson%' and project = 'devel' and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM yearmonth) = 1996 ) or (author = 'Christian Perrier' and project = 'i18n' and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM yearmonth) = 2008 ) group by author, yearmonth order by count desc;
      author       | yearmonth  | count 
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-04-01 |   216
 Christian Perrier | 2008-10-01 |   195
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-08-01 |   193
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-02-01 |   173
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-05-01 |   173
 Christian Perrier | 2008-06-01 |   159
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-01-01 |   147
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-03-01 |   146
 Christian Perrier | 2008-05-01 |   144
 Christian Perrier | 2008-04-01 |   139
 Christian Perrier | 2008-09-01 |   129
 Christian Perrier | 2008-07-01 |   118
 Christian Perrier | 2008-08-01 |    96
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-06-01 |    92
 Christian Perrier | 2008-03-01 |    89
 Christian Perrier | 2008-02-01 |    85
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-11-01 |    73
 Christian Perrier | 2008-01-01 |    59
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-09-01 |    51
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-10-01 |    39
 Christian Perrier | 2008-11-01 |    29
 Christian Perrier | 2008-12-01 |    16
 Ian Jackson       | 1996-12-01 |    14
(23 rows)

OK, finally the winner is

# SELECT author, sum(count) FROM (SELECT author, yearmonth, count(*) from listarchive where (author like 'Ian Jackson%' and project = 'devel' and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM yearmonth) = 1996 ) or (author = 'Christian Perrier' and project = 'i18n' and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM yearmonth) = 2008 ) group by author, yearmonth) AS tmp group by author;
      author       | sum  
 Ian Jackson       | 1317
 Christian Perrier | 1258
(2 Zeilen)

but Christian hey, start in January with some more mails and fight to the end
of the year (16 mails in December - that's nothing) and you will be Mr. Top
Poster!! ;-)

Ah well, for the others of this really important list: Hold on the good work.
Many non English speaker will be very happy about your work.

Comment: This analysis was to quick.  The overall statistics given on
debian-project says that Christian is only on rank 11 of the most
posting per project per year.  The final winner is  Michelle Konzack with
2745 postings on debian-user-german in 2004. ;-)

Kind regards



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