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Re: Lenny installer string freeze status 20080829

Quoting Eddy Petri?or (eddy.petrisor@gmail.com):

> Having some stats to point out where the problem is would be helpful.
> I suppose for Romanian it was the missing strings on sublevel2.

Yes. I assume that coordinators of activated languages know where are
the files and how to check which one is inomplete.

For Romanian, yes it was sublevel 2 (one fuzzy, introduced a few days ago).

> Is the pending translation in BTS of apt (I ended up sending it again, sigh) a problem, too?

Not at all. Completing levels 2 to 5 will be a bonus, but as none of
these packages are direct part of D-I (except tasksel at some extent),
we won't use their completeness to decide whether to drop a language.

Of course, I will still nag you translators for levels 2 and 3 because
I think it is good to have these completed but nothing more.

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