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Re: Please update translations of system-config-printer

Le dimanche 08 juin 2008 à 16:41 +0200, Josselin Mouette a écrit :
> I’ve just uploaded system-config-printer 1.0.0, which is the version
> we’d like to see in lenny, to experimental.

Version 1.0.0 has been in lenny for some time, and we are still missing
many translations.

> I’m asking again for a review and update of upstream translations in
> this package. There are many missing translations and an unreasonable
> amount of fuzzy translations leading to bad user experience on a number
> of languages.
> This package will be the default printer configuration software for
> lenny, so I can only strongly advise you to start working on
> translations for your language NOW if you want to see them in the
> release.

So far, we have full translations for French, Spanish, Vietnamese,
Russian, German, Basque, simplified Chinese, Turkish, Czech and Catalan.
Thanks to those who took the time to write and review them!

Without updates, there will be major usability issues with
system-config-printer in other languages. We’re still missing some
languages important in the Debian community (Japanese, Arabic,
Portuguese people?), and it would be really nice if we could have as
many of them as possible. The .po file is big, but it is also an
important tool for the desktop, for which the quality of the
translations is still far inferior to that of other important

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