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Re: D-I stats on Pootle

Thanks for your reply, Christian. :)

On 16/07/2008, at 8:51 PM, Christian Perrier wrote:

Quoting Clytie Siddall (clytie@riverland.net.au):
What a delight it is to be able to login to Pootle for my D-I  
files! :D
(I still seem to have some login issues: my Debian login details are
finally working again, but I get a blank page after inputting them. I
have to input the homepage address manually to get a display, but when
it does show a page, I am logged in.)
I have actually the same problem, indeed. Once you send your
login/password, the server seems to be "waiting" endlessly. The trick
is to just stop the connection, then, as you write, open
i18n.debian.net:8080 home page again.
It's odd. I certainly haven't encountered it on any of my 8 other  
Pootles, and I've used some of them for a long time. :S

It's great to see those green bars for D-I. However, the stats don't
match. Each level of D-I says 100% (and that is confirmed when I open
each level), but the overall total is not 100%:
Please note that *not* everything is in Pootle. We only have projects
where I could get direct or indirect commit access for the Pootle user.
Yes, I realize that. I'm happy to be able to help with the testing. :)
23166/23226 words

I have no idea why. :o

Could that be a bug somewhere in Pootle? We might need Friedel to have
a look at this.
Again, I haven't encountered this before. :o

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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