Re: other fallback languages Re: Deactivated languages
On Wed, 29 Nov 2006 16:50:19 +0100
Christian Perrier <> wrote:
> Quoting Wouter Verhelst (
> > On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 05:58:52PM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > > So, well, the fallback language is a possible option in a few cases
> > > such as Northern Sami above....but this is not a definitive solution
> > > for most of the currently incomplete languages ?
> >
> > Why hardcode it?
> Because no-one did yet code another way to do it..:-)
> >
> > "While there is a translation of the installer for this language, it is
> > not complete. If a part of the interface has not been translated into
> > your language, which language would you prefer as a fallback?"
> Well, this is more or less what has been suggested at the beginning of
> this discussion. The tricky point is "how to know that a given
> language is or isn't complete", to avoid asking this question for all
> installs.
That is easy. The same way you know decide to not include certain
languages because they are not complete enough. At some point before a
release the picture should be clear, right?
So yes, this would be a semi-manual task, but that wouldn't be problem,
or would it?
grts Tim
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