പ്രവീണ്|Praveen wrote:
2006/11/20, Eddy Petrișor <eddy.petrisor@gmail.com>:As I said, the problem is the actual space on the initrd and having a "latin languages image/CD" and a "asian languages image" is not such a good idea since you might end up downloading the wrong image and will be faced with a semi-useless cd since you don't know any of the other languages.
Can't we give a option to choose a set of languages at the beginning sayASIAN languages, European languages, AFRICAN languages ... We can ship a setof initrd images for each laguage groups and it can be selected from grubmenu at boot. (like we used to ship linux 2.4 and linux 2.6 at the same timewe could have 5 initrds each for a continent). I think this would solve theproblem of initrd image size in a considerable way and would not be tough toimplement I think.
Thanks for reminding me about that idea. I wanted to raise that option in the discution, but I managed to forget it. Implementing this would mean changing/stripping the udebs before putting them in the image. Meaning that the debian-installer build system should be changed. I don't know what impact multiple initrd images would have on debian-cd. About the stripping, isn't this already done in the installer via white listing? Christian? -- Regards, EddyP ============================================= "Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein