Re: Deactivated languages
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Jens Seidel wrote:
> So this problem is just a missing fallback language in the Installer?
> This could be implemented easily.
Actually, not quite. The biggest problem is the size of the initrd image
on which there must be translations for countries, languages, and also
all the translation for all the activated languages and all the packages
in the initrd.
During the writing of this mail (offline) it hit me: I wonder if a list
with all the countries each in its own language/languages wouldn't reduce
considerably the size of the image? It would be a bitch because of the
Han unification, but we already do it (somewhat in a correct fashion) in
G-I. Christian, didn't we discussed about this in September?
> If Frans or Christian had mentioned this earlier it could already be
> implemented ... But they do not even explain their policy and keep it
> secret! There was never an explanation like: "Until we support the
> infrastructure to have a fallback language we are very sorry to
> need to deactivate a few languages to avoid confusion to the user".
> Again the only reason I remember was the ability to blacklist
> translators which is unsocial (I hope you agree on this).
As I said, the problem is the actual space on the initrd and having a
"latin languages image/CD" and a "asian languages image" is not such a
good idea since you might end up downloading the wrong image and will be
faced with a semi-useless cd since you don't know any of the other
> I'm still not sure whether a patch which implements this would be
> excepted ...
You only have to address the correct problem, the patch will, most likely,
be accepted.
- --
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
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