Re: other fallback languages Re: Deactivated languages
Christian Perrier <> writes:
> Quoting Matthias Julius (
>> Christian Perrier <> writes:
>> > However, experience has shown that these fallback languages are
>> > usefule for very few languages and, sometimes, things that sound like
>> > a good idea initially turn out to be confusing to users (e.g. using
>> > Russian as fallback for Ukrainian, or things like this...).
>> >
>> > And, guess what, even this can lead to political-style problems...
>> This could be avoided if the user gets to decide: "Not all messages
>> have been translated into the language you have chosen. Please select
>> a fallback language."
> Theoretically, yes, but how would the installer "know" in advance that
> debconf templates are not translated competely? D-I is modular by
> nature so, at the moment localechooser is run, there is no possible
> way to know whether udebs are fully translated, or not, for the chosen
> language.
This information would need to be stored somewhere in a file created
by the build process.
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