Re: Deactivated languages
Hi Eddy,
On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 12:54:57PM +0200, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
> Jens Seidel wrote:
> > So this problem is just a missing fallback language in the Installer?
> > This could be implemented easily.
> Actually, not quite. The biggest problem is the size of the initrd image
> on which there must be translations for countries, languages, and also
> all the translation for all the activated languages and all the packages
> in the initrd.
I'm aware that the size is a problem. But it was never mentioned that
the size is the reason for dropping a language. IIRC there was never a
fully translated language dropped recently because of size restraints
(I know about the old Vietnamese situation for the Sarge release).
Reading a private mail from Holger (the German manual translator) I got
the idea to omit rarely used message in de.po (and maybe other
languages, depending on the usage?) in favour of dropped languages to
avoid larger images.
> During the writing of this mail (offline) it hit me: I wonder if a list
> with all the countries each in its own language/languages wouldn't reduce
> considerably the size of the image? It would be a bitch because of the
> Han unification, but we already do it (somewhat in a correct fashion) in
> G-I. Christian, didn't we discussed about this in September?
That's not easy to understand but I assume you want to ensure that not
each language specific font has to use glyphs which are only used in the
language list? You propose to use only one font for all languages ro
display the countries. Is this correct or did I misunderstood you?
> As I said, the problem is the actual space on the initrd and having a
> "latin languages image/CD" and a "asian languages image" is not such a
> good idea since you might end up downloading the wrong image and will be
> faced with a semi-useless cd since you don't know any of the other
> languages.
I fully agree.
> > I'm still not sure whether a patch which implements this would be
> > excepted ...
> You only have to address the correct problem, the patch will, most likely,
> be accepted.
Yep, but it's hard if the problems are explicetely hidden. Now I'm aware
of the size contraints and a missing fallback language.
According to my understanding of the issue the problem where not
necessarily technical issues.
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