Re: Work started on Release Notes for Etch (II)
On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 08:58:59PM +1030, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> >>I'm running Mac OSX 10.4.8 on an Intel MacBook. :)
Maybe you could connect to a different computer via network. An
available public machine is for example
Virtualisation is maybe another option. Bochs (emulates a PC) is
definitively a solution for your setup to install an small Debian system
in it but is very very slow ... I don't know whether it's possible to
use Xen or chroots on MacOs.
> I did delete the "vi" directory first, and strangely enough, "cvs up"
> updated everything _but_ the "vi" directory. I have no idea why.
You need to option -d to create new directories in your working copy.
Just call
cvs up -d -P
(-P omits empty directories).
> So for now, I've just grabbed the .po file from WebCVS. (Note, for
> people wanting to look at or get previous Debian CVS files from
> WebCVS, you need to change old addresses from ""
> to just "".)
No, Release Notes and the DDP was *always* available on!
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