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Re: Applying to be DD part 2

> Cc: Jutta Wrage, Christian Perrier

Unneeded, at least for me. I read -i18N, you know..:-)

> 2. Up front, you are told that "There is a large backlog of  
> applicants which means it may take some time to get you through the  
> system."


> potentially good DD-voters. It needs to change.

Well, I think that this is a point everyone agrees with in

The main problem is that NM applications is not an automated process
and the number of humans involved is limited. Being an Application
Manager is a time consuming task and many prefer giving their time to
something else.

This is a well known limitation in the project (and most FLOSS
projects): not matter how important is a given task, if there's noone
(or not enough people) to do it, it won't get done...or it will be
done slowly.

It is a very common joke that the best way to go through the NM
queue....is explaining that you want to be in Debian for being an
Application Manager...:-)

> The Free Software Guidelines have no application to translators,  
> since we already specify the Free Software Foundation as copyright  
> holder of our translations. I will agree in theory to this, since I  

I completely disagree here. There's nothing that enforces the use of
FSF as copyright holder in translations and no document of mine
recommends doing so.

I think that translators have to be aware of the DFSG as much as all
other project members are. DFSG is one of Debian foundation
documents. As a project member, you will have to vote about issues
related to DFSG (see http://www.debian.org/vote/2006/vote_001 for

> I'm bedridden, too ill to travel for some years now. I live 250km NE  
> of Adelaide in South Australia.
> This discriminates actively against very ill/disabled people. How on  
> earth am I supposed to do this? I don't even know any DDs in  
> Australia, much less anyone in my state, or anyone in my small  
> regional community, many km from anywhere else. Good grief! :(
> Unless we can find a way to deal with this situation, that's the end  
> of my application right now. :(

Certainly not. We all agree that this is discriminating against
isolated people (think about people living in countries without any
DD, and for who travelling is not an option). However, this is also a
very strong point of the Web of Trust.

There are many solutions to this situation:

-find a DD that goes through your place and signs you rkeys. Sure,
Australia is very big but there are 54 registered DD there. Even
though there might be none in your place, there are maybe some in
Adelaide, ready to travel the 250km to your beautiful palce

 Among those 54 and, even though not all are mentioning their street 
 address  in the DD database, I find at least one in South Australia
 living in a place named Parkside. After discussing with our beloved
 new DPL, this place seems to be in Adelaide.

-use another way to get your ID verified. In the past, when there were
very few DD (even in my country, where there are 64 of us now), the ID
was often checked with a phone call

> Hmm, how about videoconf. of some kind? I have a webcam.

I bet that some would object that this is not a completely "safe" method.

> Jutta has offered to help me with my application, which is very kind  
> of her. Christian, if you have time, I would also appreciate your  
> advice on this situation.

Here it is. I fully support your application and I think that, with
what I know from you, you can make it. The "Tasks and Skills" part
will be interesting to watch but the previous threads have shown that
there is not strong opposition to an adapted T&S process when it comes
at people defining themselves as translators.

My suggestion could be summarized to "play with the rules, not against

PS: when it comes at my own application in the past, I did not go
through the NM process as a translator. I applied mostly as a
maintainer: I was maintaining the geneweb package for a few months at
that moment and I was very less involved in i18n. In short, you can't
take me as an example for a translator going through the NM

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