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Re: D-I Manual - String freeze ended - please update translations...

The new release for Etch has been uploaded and the version for Sarge has 
been rebuilt for the website [1].
Only one translation, Traditional Chinese, was not updated. For this 
translation the "old" Sarge version has been left unchanged.

Joey Hess and I have abused the tail end of the freeze to commit quite a 
few changes [2], starting the drive towards the Etch release:
- remove all content specific for Sarge
- make all content specific for Etch part of the normal text
- reflect the removal of base-config in the manual
- update preseeding documentation for recent changes

The removal of base-config has resulted in some existing text being moved 
from the "boot-new" chapter to the "using-d-i" chapter. You may be able 
to reuse some of your old translations.
Please delete XML files that are no longer included if you don't need them 

For the PO based translations I was able to use some PO magic to "copy" 
reused strings from the old to the new po file, resulting in about 25 
less untranslated strings.
This was committed in r33734. Please check this commit carefully using:
$ cd ./po/<your language>
$ svn diff -r 33733:33734 | less  #or save to file and use $editor to view

The freeze is now officially ended, so please...
...update your translations :-)

Thanks for all your hard work to get almost all translations updated.


[1] One remaining issue there is that new translations Greek and Korean
    are not yet visible on the index page [3]; this should be fixed soon.
[2] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/#changes
[3] http://www.debian.org/releases/sarge/installmanual

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