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Re: How to update a po file collection when upstream also change them

> After all, how does the translator know if a package is an internal  
> Debian package or external?

No easy way, sorry. Actually, nothing on the status pages, at least.

The dl10n utility, which is likely to be used in the future to
generate new HTML status pages, is able to report the status for
Debian native packages only...so it can output such a list....the
trick is using it for a language which we are sure there is no
translation at all:

bubulle@cc-mykerinos:~/src/debian/dl10n> PERLLIB=lib ./dl10n-txt --debian --show=po -tes ku 

Status of the debian packages to do in ku

|acheck            |     |    0/0/30     |
|adduser           |     |   0/0/161     |
|apt               |     |   0/0/479     |
|apt-build         |     |    0/0/77     |
|apt-proxy         |     |   0/0/117     |
|apt-show-versions |     |    0/0/43     |
|base-config       |     |    0/0/7      |
|cdd               |     |    0/0/5      |
|console-common    |     |    0/0/13     |
|debianutils       |     |   0/0/212     |
|deborphan         |     |    0/0/56     |
|dedit             |     |    0/0/98     |
|desktop-profiles  |     |    0/0/85     |
|devscripts        |     |   0/0/624     |
|discover1         |     |    0/0/83     |
|dpkg              |     |   0/0/1000    |
|foomatic-gui      |     |    0/0/86     |
|galternatives     |     |    0/0/43     |
|gkdebconf         |     |    0/0/34     |
|happydigger       |     |    0/0/66     |
|help2man          |     |    0/0/29     |
|ifupdown          |     |    0/0/2      |
|ldaptor           |     |    0/0/88     |
|linda             |     |   0/0/525     |
|lintian           |     |    0/0/6      |
|lpe               |     |    0/0/30     |
|menu              |     |   0/0/108     |
|module-assistant  |     |   0/0/104     |
|music123          |     |    0/0/18     |
|pdbv              |     |   0/0/104     |
|pdmenu            |     |    0/0/22     |
|pppconfig         |     |   0/0/135     |
|rpncalc           |     |    0/0/43     |
|tasksel           |     |   0/0/134     |
|xcall             |     |   0/0/110     |
|xconvers          |     |   0/0/101     |
|xdx               |     |    0/0/64     |
|xlog              |     |   0/0/278     |
|TOTAL (ku)        |     |   0/0/5220    |

So, here you have your list. You see that some packages listed in D-I
levels are included, which is actually logical.

> Please forgive my ignorance if these things are obvious: I've read  
> the Installer translation docs, but haven't found a general doc for  
> translating other packages, yet.

This doc is still to be written..:-)

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