Re: Σχετικά με τον «ακριβό» προμηθευτή ( vendor )
Guys, I've said it TOO many times, the language for debian-i18n is
ENGLISH only. Please move the discussion to debian-l10n-greek, what's
so hard to understand?
On Τρίτη 14 Ιούνιος 2005 17:15, Spiros Bolis wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Jun 2005, Yiannis Thomaidis wrote:
> > Αξίζει να ανοίξουμε μια κουβέντα γύρο από αυτό το θέμα για να
> > ξεκαθαρίσει, όσο είναι δυνατόν το τοπίο των υπονοιών.
> Edw kai polyyyy kairo o syllogos moiraze CDs me debian kai kapoioi
> apo emas eixame analabei na ta grafoyme kai na ta taxydromoyme wste
> na diadothei h tote agnwsth dianomh "debian" alla kai na balei kai
> kana esodo sto tameio toy o syllogos
> meta apo kapoio kairo poy egine to "bam" kai akoysthke to debian
> (mhn 3exnate oti oi epoxes htan alliws tote, allo twra poy egine
> moda n' asxoleisai me to linux ) krithike skopimo na stamathsei o
> syllogos tis prospatheies pros ayth thn kateythynsh kai na
> epikentrwsei alloy tis dynameis toy
> Tote, katartisthke mia lista apo endiaferomenoys na dianemoyn Linux
> alla kaneis parapera apo toys arxikoys, den endiaferthike apo tote
> na epikoinwnhsei me to webmaster opote h lista e3akoloythei na
> brisketai sto
> Twra, gia yponoies: isws eprepe na 3ekatharisoyme pws o syllogos de
> bazei (kai oso 3erw den ebaze) lefta sthn tseph toy apo etaireies
> para mono to 100% oswn grafame emeis oi treis meion ta taxydromika.
> Epipleon, gia to katebasma twn CDiwn, DVDiwn ktl. 3erw ta
> parakatw:
> H EEXI edw kai polyyy kairo (nomizw omws pws emeis to kaname prwtoi
> ;-) ) katebazei kai moirazei CDs me antikatabolh
> O Fwths o Gewrgatos einai pisw apo to
> poy eggyatai allagh toy ftharmenoy diskoy gia opoiadhpote aitia.
> Telos (fylaw to kalytero) stis taktikes mhniaies synanthseis toy
> hellug eixame panta th dynatothta na antallasoyme ta CDs mas (-Egw
> tha ferw to FreeBSD x.y, poios borei na ferei to Debian z.w ?) to
> opoio skeftomaste na epekteinoyme stis synanthseis mas sto
> Ergasthrio
> ( , ypo kataskeyh alla exei xarth) ws e3hs:
> "Elate me to laptop sas 'h to forhto sas disko kai katebaste o,ti
> thelete apo to file server poy exoyme".
> FYI: Programmatizoyme synanthsh to apogeyma ths Pempths 'h ths
> Paraskeyhs sto ergasthrio. Neotera sto
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