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Re: Debian Installer team seeking for translators : Serbian (sr), Croatian (hr), Hindi (hi), others

Quoting Mahesh T. Pai (paivakil@vsnl.net):

> Does  BIDI involve glyph  substitution?  If  so, adding  Indic support
> will  only be  an issue  of adding  another module  or may  be, making
> slight modifications to the code.

By "glyph substitution", do you mean that depending on the place of a
given letter in a word, a different glyph has to be used. This is what
Arabic speaking people seem to call "shaping".

There is no shaping in d-i, so this area needs work also.

> What fonts  does this use? (bdf  type1 ...) Any means  of testing font
> rendering for the installer without actually having to do a install?

I'm not a deep specialist of this. I leave this to other d-i contributors...

Up to now, I've got contacts from two people proposing their help in
hindi. See thread in debian-boot....

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