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Re: Conference at debconf on i18n/l10n: ideas? suggestions?


> I'm going to give a talk at debconf regarding i18n/l10n projects "early" in 
> the morning sunday [1]. I wanted to know if people at -i18n feel that the 
> following issues which I wanted to talk about cover sufficiently l10n/i18n 
> in Debian (sorry if it's not fully understandable, it's a draft atm):

Are there any people who will attend Debconf and are interested in
relatively complex processing, including support of:
 - multibyte encoding (including UTF-8, but multibyte encodings such
   as EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB2312, and Big5 are a "must" for east Asian),
 - combining characters (mainly for Thai and so on),
 - fullwidth (i.e. doublewidth) characters (mainly for east Asian),
 - bidi (Hebrew/Arab),
 - more complex languages (Indic and so on),
and so on?  These items need review of large part of text-processing
softwares, and at the same time, they are prerequirements for all other
areas of i18n (such as translation) for these peoples, so this is a
severe problem for them.

Unfortunately I cannot attend the Debconf, but the recent improvement
of debconf package (will be available in a few days on Sid, as debconf
version 1.3.0) would be an example what additional work and attention
are needed for internationalized softwares.
See http://www.debian.or.jp/~kubota/mojibake/debconf

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>

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