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Conference at debconf on i18n/l10n: ideas? suggestions?

Hi there,

I'm going to give a talk at debconf regarding i18n/l10n projects "early" in 
the morning sunday [1]. I wanted to know if people at -i18n feel that the 
following issues which I wanted to talk about cover sufficiently l10n/i18n 
in Debian (sorry if it's not fully understandable, it's a draft atm):

- Intro: why is i18n/l10n important for Debian?

- l10n/i18n projects in Debian: 
	- Webserver content translation
	- l10n/i18n for Debian-specific programs (dpkg, apt, d-i, dselect...)
	- po-debconf translation
	- Debian package descriptions (ddtp)
	- Debian-specific manpages

- Generic issues:
	- translator status (not a DD?)
	- multiple interfaces for similar tasks (CVS, BTS...) make
	  it very difficult to contribute.
	- Problems in CVS access (proxies)
	- Problems in BTS use (translation tag?) (sample: dpkg has
	  14 translation-related bugs, apt 5, how do I see the bugs
	  that affect a given language?)
	- Which are the "officially supported" languages?
	- Even if things are  translated, translations are not always 
          distributed properly, usefullness drops (#64278, #172482) 
	- UTF-8 support?

- Missing pieces for a fully i18n/l10n project (and OS):
	- Single clearing-house for translations: simplify i18n work.
        (look #105337)
	- Provide tools for translation teams to use, like Debian-specific 
		translation catalogs/dictionaries.
	- Full support of l10n in core system 
	 (that means 'base', but one could include also Desktop-aware stuff
	such as 'menu', it also includes system messages like init scripts)
	- Easy setup of language environment for the user (just once,
	on installation, a user selects a language and that setups
	the task as well as the default locale)
	- I18n BTS: allow translation teams to handle workflow through it 

- Some proposals:
	- when creating the distribution provide translation bugs to
	  be fixed in freezes
	- translators should be given DD status, but with different
	  privileges (no uploads but CVS commits) (Alioth?)
	- Add a generic translation/'language' tag for the BTS
	(so that translation teams can check bugs related to their

¿Ideas? ¿Opinions?



[1] More precisely at 10:00-10:45. Since the saturday dinner will be 
"special" I don't know if many people will show up then. Or, if they do, 
they will be able to pay attention :-)

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