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Re: Status pt_BR

Em Fri, 27 Jul 2001 09:41:37 +0200
Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org> escreveu:

> good question. Have you a proposal?
my proposals are the two you did below =)

> I have ask the debian ftpmaster, to make and chown the directory 
> /org/ftp-master.debian.org/project/trans/. 
> If I own this directory, I can put the aptable translated Package
> files on this place. And this files are on all mirrors and the users
> can test this (as beta tester).
this would be good by now... I would like to see the translated
Packages in www.debian.org.br...

> Ask the apt and/or dpkg people! I have ask, and don't get a answer. 
uh... that'll take long... but I see it as the better way to go too...

> If we can use the translation (and we can it now) I am happy. 
I'd like to use it from the closest mirror but it is ok like it is now.

> The next steps on my roadmap:
>  - test the multi language support (de, fr and pt_BR)
>  - make a new index.html (howto to add new languages, statistics, ...)
>  - move the db from many file to some DB_File's
>  - move some bash scripts to perl
>  - make a announce on debian-.*-announce
>  - translate some description myself
good plans.... I'll translate descriptions only =) that's what I am
able to do by now...

> I don't make patches to apt etc. I don't have the time to this. Sorry.
> But first we must translate more descriptions... 
sure... let's work on it

> btw: is there a difference between pt_BR and pt_PL ?
yes... pt_BR is not very different from pt_PT... but pt_PT people
hate the way pt_BR people translate things and vice versa =(
We don't like "Ficheiro" and they don't like english words in
texts... we are used to them =)


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: <http://www.debian.org>            |
| : :'  : | Debian BR.......: <http://debian-br.sourceforge.net> |
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|   `-    |             "Think globally, act locally!"           |

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