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Thai XIM


I found a description that XFree86 contains Thai XIM. 
Thus, I tried it using my Debian Sid.

$ LANG=th_TH XMODIFIERS=@im=BasicCheck xterm -fn

$ LANG=th_TH XMODIFIERS=@im=BasicCheck xterm -fn

However, I have no idea how to input Thai characters.
On the other hand, I can input Thai using Debian xiterm+thai package.

$ txiterm

and type F1 and 'd' inputs the first Thai character (though
I don't know the name of the character).  I'd like to know
how to type keyboard to input Thai characters using Thai XIM.

(txiterm is 'LANG=th_TH /usr/bin/xiterm -fn nectec18 -cursorColor yellow \
  -cursorColorThai red'.)

Debian Package information:
xlibs              4.1.0-9
xiterm+thai        1.04.cvs20010801
xfonts-intl-asian  1.2-2
xfonts-thai-nectec 20000526-2

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>
"Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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