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Re: fixing backspace and delete

Hi guys,

On 22 Apr, Philip Hands wrote:
> Just had a look at your web page:
> -------------
> Joe
> backs           ^?              Backspace
>  backs          ^H
>  delch           ^?              # Del = Delete in default.map
> delch           ^[ [ 3 ~        # Del = Remove in default.map
> bol             ^[ [ H          # Standard xterm escape seq.
> bol             ^[ [ 1 ~        # Standard VT escape seq.
> bol             ^[ [ 7 ~        # rxvt
> eol             ^[ [ F          # Standard xterm escape seq.
> eol             ^[ [ 4 ~        # Standard VT escape seq.
> eol              ^[ [ 8 ~        # rxvt
> -------------
> Is this right ?

Yes, luckily it's also the default, so I guess it doesn't have to be
mentioned on the page at all (except for the home/end things maybe).
BTW, I intend the page to be some sort of scratchbook for the things
that we come up with, ideally when we are finished, it will be a recipe
for the once-and-for-all fix. Until then it's for your eyes only:-)

> It looks like some comment characters have become invisible.
> BTW, I don't think people should be encouraged in the ``cludge every app. in 
> it's .rc file'' approach, because it just perpetuates the problem, by ensuring 
> the apps ignore stty.

I agree, at least as long as it works. It's often easier to edit (cut
and paste) a few lines in some rc files than to edit e.g. terminfo
entries, but it's not a good general approach. 

> Maybe you should include a note saying that while this is one approach,
> you'd be better off doing a once and for all fix.  Of course, we need to 
> establish that it is a once and for all fix, and there are a few other 
> problems with tweaking xterm's terminfo, that need to be addressed (what 
> non-debian systems will think of the setup for example)

I fully agree. As soon as we establish the (best possible:-) once and
for all fix, that's the one that will need to be advertised, and the rc
things will be secondary. With your expect trick everything can be
fixed, I guess, including interactions with non-debian systems. The home
and end modifications (mostly for rxvt) will have to be included in the
rc files at some point, but that's another matter.
	I installed hamm yesterday, although I am not through with the
huge (amazing) list of apps to install. The first thing I noticed was
that the keys are fine in bash, including home and end, nice. 

Regards, Anne

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