On 22 May 2016 at 12:58, Gage Morgan <gagemorgan@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hello Alejandro,
> I'm not new to Debian, matter of fact I've been using the Linux-based
> variant for quite some time. But the Linux kernel and the HURD kernel are
> two very different beasts. I need to know how to get a base HURD system up
> and running on x86-64 architectures. Also note that AMD64 and x86-64 are the
> same thing.
Most development on the HURD and the GNU Mach Kernel occurs upstream,
and there are a range of uptream mailing lists at
Also, there is a channel #hurd on irc.freenode.net where the
developers gather to discuss things.
If you want to port to another architecture, first you will want
getting a Debian GNU/Hurd running in Xen or Qemu to ease debugging the
system. Qemu images are built regularly, and instructions for running
are at:
William Leslie
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