Hello Friend.
I do not usually speak much English, but I recommend you look further
information migrate entire operating system is complex, I would advise
is talking to developers of the project and you adopt orphaned
packages when you are recognized within the project debian for your
work you can discuss in how you can help in the process of collecting
and compiling packages pioneering architecture x64 or AMD64.
Debian is great, if you are willing to help in such complex processes
as only tell you that debian Welcome to the world :-).
I from Venezuela.
Alejandro Garcia.
2016-05-21 18:18 GMT-04:30 Gage Morgan <
> So, my friend and I have been on the fence on which kernel to use over the
> past year or so. I think the one that fits us best is Hurd, though we've
> attempted Linux. I'm almost 18, and have been wanting to do this for awhile.
> Let me explain: I want to get started working with you guys sometime in the
> next week or so when I have time. I'm a friendly, so please don't pull out
> your flamethrowers (I've been to many a development community and a lot of
> them can be rabid dogs waiting to bite) :-)
> If possible, could one of you please walk me through what I would need to do
> to port Debian GNU/Hurd to amd64 (aka x86-64 or simply x64)? I've got some
> things with this form of Debian that I'd be interested in working with, but
> first I'd like to help everyone else get it off the ground and somewhat
> stable first. I'm interested because I ran it in VirtualBox once and let me
> just tell you that even though the userland looked identical to Debian
> Standard, the theory of how the system was running amazed me.
> Another thing: Apparently Debian is having issues with compiling things to
> 32bit architectures due to removal of features in GCC, so we do need to get
> on the ball with going through to amd64. I would love to help recompile the
> base system to x86-64 architectures (specifically, help to get it working
> with UEFI machines, half of which I'm still struggling to understand the
> mind**** created by that group) and help get it up to speed with everyone
> else.
> It's an interesting concept, it really is, I'd just like to see it survive.
> Thanks,
> MGage
Alejandro García
TSU en Informática
Linux User id: 561553
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