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Re: Installing Debian GNU/Hurd in qemu/kvm using the Debian Installer (first draft)


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:27:31AM +0100, Svante Signell wrote:

> Attached is the first draft on how to install and run Debian GNU/Hurd
> using the Debian Installer.

Great, thanks! :-)

Will have to be turned into markdown though to add it to the wiki...

> Enable VTx and VTd

Actually, VTd doesn't seem relevant to what you are doing... It's only
necessary if you give the guest system direct access to certain hardware

> If qemu is installed:
> qemu-img create hurd-install.qemu 4G
> If qemu-kvm is installed:
> kvm-img create hurd-install.kvm 4G

Does KVM really use different images than plain QEMU? Or is it the same
utility, but uses a different name depending on which package you

> QEMU VLAN     <------>  Firewall/DHCP server <-----> Internet

That's generally called "gateway router", or often just "gateway" or
just "router", depending on context. (The last is what most people are
likely to understand nowadays.)

I must say though that I'm not familiar with qemu networking; so maybe
my remark is not relevant here...

(BTW, "firewall" is not relevant here anyways -- the decisive bit is
NAT; which is done by the same iptables infrastructure in Linux, but
conceptually not really the same thing...)

> deb http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian unstable main

That should be "unreleased".

BTW, doesn't the installer set this up correctly?...

> A few words about the Mach console:
> ===================================
> This console is very primitive and does not have any scrolling facilities.
> Use the mach console only for basic work.

Note that the Hurd console also has a number of drawbacks. (One of which
you actually mention later on: not seeing kernel messages. But there are
other issues too.) So the preference is not at all clear. There is a
reason why it's not enabled by default...

Also note that using the "screen" program on Mach console is also a
pretty good choice.

> 2) Hurd console after boot: Log in to the Mach console and run the
> executable script: hurd-console
> a) As user: sudo ./hurd-console (add yourself to the sudoers with visudo)
> b) As root ./hurd-console
> hurd.-console:
> console -d vga -d pc_mouse --repeat=mouse -d pc_kbd --repeat=kbd -d generic_speaker -c /dev/vcs

I don't see much point in creating a script for this -- once used, the
command can be easily fetched from shell history...

Either way, I don't think it's useful to describe it as a script in the
install guide -- just makes it more confusing. If someone likes a script
or alias, it's up to them to create one :-)

> Create .xinitrc:
> xrandr -s 1024x768 &

Can't that be specified in xorg.conf instead?

> As user: sudo startx
> As root: startx (not recommended)

Why root? It works fine as normal user here... It's generally not
recommended to run a whole X session as root.

> Note: Make sure you are starting X from the Hurd console otherwise X
> will not work.

Note that it's not actually necessary to run it *from* the Hurd console.
The console must be running; but you can issue startx from an ssh
session too...


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