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Re: [OT]: GNU/Hurd ready for a daily use (?)

   > Till now, I didn't think to switch to GNU/hurd definetely. I have
   > reached a point where I would like to use only GNU/Hurd at
   > home. Do you honestly think this is a crazy idea or does anybody
   > has definetely choose to use GNU/Hurd for daily tasks (mail,
   > programming, web, multimedia, ...).

Looks like I lost the original messages, so I'll reply here.  Anyone
saying that it is an crazy idea is probobly sane; this way you can
actually find bugs!  As for using GNU/Hurd for daily tasks, I guess I
would be one such person.  The programs that get used vary, but are
mostly what you would expect on a system that doesn't have Xfree86
installed (i.e. emacs, gcc, gdb, etc).  The only time I boot into
GNU/Linux is when I want to listen to music, or use some weird device
that isn't supported (USB comes to mind).

As for XFree86 and the usability of that, no idea.  I have heard that
people do use it, and that it works quite well.

   > I really need feedback on that ;)

   It depends on what you need. If you need GNOME/KDE or stability or
   good performance then GNU is not ready for you yet.

Stability is there, if you don't use it for anything.  But if you love
compiling the Hurd or libc, be prepared for lots of fscking (and
swearing).  As for performace--who needs that!

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