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[OT]: GNU/Hurd ready for a daily use (?)


I currently use GNU/Hurd at home but only to test few of my
developments on this platform.

Till now, I didn't think to switch to GNU/hurd definetely. I have
reached a point where I would like to use only GNU/Hurd at home. Do you
honestly think this is a crazy idea or does anybody has definetely
choose to use GNU/Hurd for daily tasks (mail, programming, web,
multimedia, ...).

I really need feedback on that ;)

"Im urspruenglichen Wortsinn waren Menschen und Adamiten identische
 Begriffe und nur Adamiten waren Menschen, so wie heute nur die Eskimos
 Eskimos oder nur die Windsors Windsors sind." 
	Norbert Harry Marzahn <6-vvCWG5bXB@nm01.vision.IN-BRB.DE>

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